Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Advantages/Drawbacks of Flat belt Drives

Advantages of belt
drives include:
1. No lubrication isrequired,
or desired.
2. Maintenance is
minimal and infrequent.
3. Belts dampen
sudden shocks or
changes in loading.
4. Quiet, smooth operation.
5. Sheaves (pulleys)
are usually less expensive
than c h a i n
d r i v e s p r o c k e t s
and e x h i b i t l i t t l e
wear over long periods
of operation.


1. Endless belts usually
cannot be repaired when
they break. They must be
2. Slippage can occur, particularly
if belt tension is not properly set
and checked frequently. Also, wear of
belts, sheaves, and bearings can reduce
tension, which makes retensioning
3. Adverse service environments
(extreme temperature ranges, high
moisture, oily or chemically filled atmospheres,
etc.) can damage belts or
cause severe slipping.
4. Length of endless belts cannot be

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